
Choco showtime

Salty Caramel Cubes, Blueberry Cheesecake Leaves or Latte Macchiato Double Chips – consumers are looking for adventure – and we have it to offer. With our wide range of chocolate pieces and specialities, you are guaranteed to strike the target group’s taste nerve. Because as a well-established supplier of chocolate pieces, we know what succeeds – and what matters: we develop customized chocolate pieces in widely differing shapes, sizes and recipes. Products whose appearance, melting properties, crunch and above all, flavour meet your requirements and suit your product perfectly.

Choconology for
distinctive brands



Double Chips made from chocolate Doppel Chips aus Schokolade

Double Chips

Two-tone eye-catchers with a delicious core: the highlight for muesli and ice cream

Haselnuss Nougat Chips Hazelnut Nougat Chips

Hazelnut-Nougat Chips

Irresistible pleasure: extra-delicate melting texture, silky-smooth on the palate, nutty finish. Perfect for ice cream and dessert.

Grüne Matcha Schokoladen Blätter

Lime Chili Leaves

When an exotic eye-catcher is called for, our green leaves lime chili gives muesli and baking premixes that extraordinary touch.

These examples are only a brief overview of our possibilities. Take these as inspiration to develop your individualized chocolate product with us. You’ve already got an idea? Then you can talk about it directly with us here!


GIVE US a call!

Or preferably organic? You’ve come to the right place!

Here you get lots of products in organic quality, too. Fine-tuned to your requirements, in smaller quantities as well. That goes for our basic assortment as well as for specialities. Because organic quality has been an integral component for years and is a matter close to our heart.

Here you can learn more about our sustainability measures.

Mann mit Hut vor Kakaobaum

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