
Chocolate delight on a small scale for a healthy gut

Indulge in the unexpected harmony of chocolate and gut health with our Happy Belly product range. Chocolate pieces with less or no sugar, more polyphenols, probiotics and prebiotics – and without any compromises on taste. Upgrade your healthy muesli, snack or ice cream products with gut-friendly chocolate.

Chocolate and gut health – two things that may not seem to go hand in hand at first glance. But what if we TELL you that your customers can satisfy their chocolate cravings AND do something good for their gut at the same time? Welcome to the exciting world of Happy Belly – our new product range that supports gut flora with chocolate as an ingredient.

The new product range comprises a total of 6 products, each of which in its formulation can have a positive impact on gut health. Here’s a sneak peek:

Probiotic organic yogurt chocolate leaves

Each gram of the chocolate piece contains up to 3 x 108 probiotic strains. Bifidobacterium lactis and Lactobacillus acidophilus have been scientifically proven to have a positive influence on gut flora and the immune system. Chocolate can be a true benefactor for the gut! 

Organic dark chocolate leaves with date powder

We opt for natural sweetness in this product and eliminate industrial sugar. And it gets even better: The polyphenols in dark chocolate have been shown to BENEFIT the gut microbiome, potentially preventing gut-related disorders.

Semi dark chocolate leaves with yuzu

Did you know that THE gut doesn’t LIKE sugar? It can encourage the proliferation of harmful bacteria, disrupting healthy gut flora. In this product, we eliminate sugar and instead focus on fiber-rich ingredients like inulin and corn dextrin, which act as prebiotics and stimulate healthy gut function.

Now is the time to incorporate chocolate pieces into your products that not only taste great but also promote overall well-being. Your customers are SURE TO appreciate it! Feel free to contact us for samples.

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